About Us

Thanks for visiting ditanuats.org. Our goal is to provide relevant, actionable information that will help you with your implementation of DITA. We follow advancements in the DITA specification, the Open Toolkit, and related content management technologies. We’ve been managing a successful DITA implementation for a few years now; we’d like to share what we’ve learned, and to learn from you.

For more information, contact us at info@ditanauts.org.

Dustin Clark (dpclark@ditanauts.org) is a technical writer in an enterprise DITA publishing environment. He has degrees in journalism and writing and is happy to consider himself a writer in any capacity. Along with a passion for language, he focuses on the development of scripting tools—typically in Perl, Python, XSLT, or the ilk.

Ben Colborn (bcolborn@ditanauts.org) is one half of a training and documentation team at a Silicon Valley startup. In addition to writing documentation and training material to meet business needs, he is responsible for developing authoring processes, the content management practice, and publishing tools.

Patrick Quinlan (paqdn@ditanauts.org) leads the implementation of DITA and a CMS to enable multi-channel publishing of training content, as well as managing an eLearning development team. He has spoken at conferences on a variety of topics, including DITA-OT customization, training new authors, automated quality assurance, and business cases and cost savings. Recently, he has focused on implementing a DITA specialization for eLearning development and collaborating on a home-grown SCORM framework.


This blog in no way represents the views or opinions of our respective employers. The posts are written on our own time, and only express our personal thoughts and views. We do our best to provide a balanced and respectful viewpoint, but we are here to say what we think, and what we think may not always make you happy. Sorry about that. If we say something that is totally off-base, which shouldn’t be often, feel free to point it out. We’ll do the same.

We enjoy the interactive nature of the comments section; we believe a healthy debate fosters new and improved ideas. We would certainly never remove a comment because someone disagrees with us, but we do moderate the comments and remove any that appear offensive, libelous, obscene, rude, or to be spam.