Begin, as Steve indicates in the post, by starting your command with:
ant -logfile=out/buildlog.xml
That will create the log in the [DITAOT]\out folder, which is also the default location for your build output. Then you can append your specific build arguments, for example:
-Dargs.input=map.ditamp -Dtranstype=pdf2
So the entire command would be:
ant -logfile=buildlog.xml -Dargs.input=map.ditamp -Dtranstype=pdf2
Doing all that gets you a build log written in XML. You can open it in a browser, but the results aren’t great until you apply a stylesheet called log.xsl. Steve says in the post that you can find that .xsl file if you have a full ant install – I didn’t, so I created a stylesheet and posted it to the DITA Users’ Group file page.
If you build, and create the log, simply copy the .xsl file I posted to the same folder as your error log.
I’d love to see vendors take this and make an easy to read log. I’ll make a few improvements to what I’ve posted as well.
Nice Feature! Thank you.
Hi Bertrand,
I made some significant updates today to the file I posted on DITA users. Still a long way to go, but I’ve got the basic structure in place. Now I just need to account for the 49 remaining error messages. 🙂
I found the ant XSL here:
That’s cool, I didn’t even think to look for one from the ant project. That definitely improves the layout, but it doesn’t really make errors much easier to find. What I’d like to do is bring errors and warnings to the top of the page, and provide explanations and/or suggestions to resolve them.
In other words, make the log a tool that authors could actually use to fix their builds.
On second thought, starting with that stylesheet may be much easier than starting from scratch. 🙂
Where exactly is the facebook like link ?
Hi Wade,
I’m glad you like the post! We’ll get the social media buttons on here soon. 🙂
Like buttons added!